Learn how to build your empire.
For the 135th episode of Dropping Bombs, Brad Lea is joined by John Malott. Here are some highlights from their hour chat:
- How to win friends and influence people is the most important book you’ll ever read. It’s the bible on how to change your behavior and set yourself on a path of personal development.
- You can’t get rich making poor choices. You get a pay raise, effective when you are.
- We’ve been programmed and conditioned to believe that the path to get rich is magical, mystical and not for everyone. It’s actually quite simple. There are opportunities in people and in problems.
- You can pay for wellness or you can pay for sickness, but one way or the other you’re going to pay.
Want to learn more about building your empire? DM John on Instagram DM @John.Malott or @buildyourempire for a personal response.

About John Malott:
John Malott is the Founder and Chairman of Build Your Empire. John has built global originations doing 100’s of millions of dollars and has helped thousands of people achieve financial freedom.