Don’t let competitors confuse your marketplace.
Imagine you’ve built up just enough brand recognition that potential customers start searching for your company name. Did you know a competitor could swoop in and ride your coattails, taking some of your web traffic and possibly muddying up your reputation?
Today Brad sits down with Andrea Sager, a brand protection attorney, to talk about why every business needs brand protection—often far sooner than they realize.
Through Andrea Sager Law PLLC, Andrea offers copyright and trademark protection to entrepreneurs and small businesses. Learn the difference between copyrights and trademarks, and other insights on how to protect your business in the 138th episode of Dropping Bombs.
About Andrea Sager:
Andrea Sager is a serial entrepreneur who left a big law firm to help entrepreneurs and small business owners protect their hard work. business owners. With her unique experience running multiple businesses, Andrea offers clients trusted legal expertise and a partner to guide you through all stages of your business growth.