Make time for your health before you have to make time for illness.
For the 122nd episode of Dropping Bombs, Brad chats with Michael Morelli about their shared goal to positively impacting the lives of millions. Michael is a nutrition expert, master formulator, fitness coach, and leader of an online fitness empire. Here are the highlights that prove these two are fast on track to achieving their aim:
- At this moment in history, thanks to major developments in technology, the spoken word is more powerful than the written word.
- You want to get rich, stay broke! If you’re growing and scaling correctly, you shouldn’t have any money in the bank. Every time you spend money, the vacuum draws in more. Spend what you have to create room for more.
- You might be sabotaging yourself. Have you ever considered that the real reason you’re not in shape is low self-esteem? It’s not that you don’t know how to eat healthily and exercise, but that deep down you don’t feel like you’re deserving of success, attention, and feeling attractive.
- We’re failing at teaching people how to live healthy lives. School didn’t teach you how to balance a checkbook or build credit. It’s up to you to prepare yourself for success.
- Don’t give a f*ck what anyone else says or thinks about you. Follow your gut, follow your heart, and you can be anything that you want to be in this world.
- Realize the value of your health before it’s lost. Once your health is in trouble, nothing matters as much as trying to get it back. So, make time for your health, before you have to make time for illness.
- Always be a student. Ask the question “why,” and dig deep. There’s always someone you can learn from. But, more importantly, there’s always more that you can strive to know and teach yourself.
If you’re ready to ditch your extra weight and start packing on lean muscle, head to Morellifit online. You can also tag, share, hit-up @morellisworld on Instagram — and don’t forget to mention that you’re from the #BombSquad!
About Michael Morelli:
Michael Morelli, CPT, RKC, OPT, and CF-L1 Trainer, is the creator of HIIT MAX™ and one of the best selling digital online fat burning programs for weight loss. He has also created a custom meal planning service to help people reach their potential through diet. He is currently writing a book, The Sweet Potato Diet, to simplify carb-cycling in an effort to make fat loss and long-term health accessible to everyone. He has built a community of over 4 million Instagram followers (on all of his channels), 110,000 Periscope followers, has helped over 300,000 people transform through his programs Fast Start Fat Loss, 7-Day Detox Drop and more!