Break the machine.
Introducing Sheel Patel, CEO of Bitcoin Energy—the energy drink marketed specifically to entrepreneurs with the promise that it won’t cause you to crash. Not only does Bitcoin Energy claim to keep you going day and night, but the company also gives Bitcoins back to you with every purchase. Here are some highlights:
- At this moment in history, thanks to major developments in technology, the spoken word is more powerful than the written word.
- The dollar is obsolete. They’re nothing but unsanitary pieces of paper no longer even backed by the gold standard.
- People don’t want to follow a company on social media. People follow people.
- Social media is slanted. Traditional news media is biased. We need to wake up and start thinking for ourselves.
- Do the best you can, mind your P’s and Q’s, play by the rules, try to help others, and just WIN.
Want to learn more about Bitcoin Energy? Check out their website here.
About Sheel Patel:
Sheel Patel is an entrepreneur, investor, and CEO of Bitcoin Energy. He tells the Bitcoin story to entrepreneurs, bosses, hustlers, and grinders all over the world via @bitcoinenergy on Instagram or @thesheelpatel on Twitter.