“I help the underdog, I help the ME of my field.” – Cindy Eckert

Episode #360:  Learn about this BILLION DOLLAR exit in this episode of Dropping Bombs with TRBL

Reebok Founder Joe Foster

This is how the pill works…

Who is Cindy Eckert?

A self-made serial entrepreneur and vocal advocate for women, Cindy defies convention. In her industry, in her companies, in her outcomes. Her work today in The Pinkubator continues to break barriers by investing in and mentoring other women to get to her same outcomes. She’s on a mission to make women really rich. You cannot miss Cindy. Everything she touches turns to PINK!

Do You Want To Pitch to Cindy?


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What is This Episode About?

In his episode, Brad and Cindy discuss her billion-dollar payday, what it felt like, and how Cindy has used her money for the greater good! Listen in for this amazing episode of Dropping Bombs!

Some Tips from Cindy You Will Learn by Listening:

  1. How women get turned on in the brain
  2. How “It’s not us, but it’s something happening to our partner”
  3. How to not walk away maliciously
  4. How to navigate through and truly learn what people want
  5. How if you are not architecting every day then you are losing
  6. How to get comfortable being uncomfortable
  7. How there is no such thing as instant gratification
  8. What it means to fight the good fight

Learn more about Cindy Eckert:

Follow Cindy on Social:

A self-made serial entrepreneur and vocal advocate for women, Cindy defies convention. In her industry, in her companies, in her outcomes. Her work today in The Pinkubator continues to break barriers by investing in and mentoring other women to get to her same outcomes. She’s on a mission to make women really rich. You cannot miss Cindy. Everything she touches turns to PINK!

Over a distinguished 25-year career in healthcare, in only the last 10 years she has built and sold two businesses for more than $1.5B. First Slate Pharmaceuticals, which redefined long acting testosterone treatment for men then Sprout Pharmaceuticals which broke through with the first ever FDA-approved drug for low sexual desire in women — dubbed “female Viagra” by the media. After selling the company for $1B in 2015, she successfully fought to get the drug back and launch it on her own terms.

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