Insurance makes the most millionaires out of anyone else…
Episode #359: Learn how THIS job can make you a MILLIONAIRE in this Episode of Dropping Bombs with TRBL

“You have to be a good person and work hard to be successful.” – Tyler Rees
Who are Tyler Rees and Peter Fournier?
Tyler Rees is the Chairman of IFG and is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country. His ability to help infuse and scale businesses makes him and his team one of the most sought-after consulting groups in the United States. Tyler has been a mentor and teacher to thousands of professionals across the country! Peter Fournier manages a team of agents, personally producing in the field, but most importantly, trains and coaches agents outside of his organization on how to become successful in the industry and avoid the mistakes that he had made in the past.
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What is This Episode About?
In this episode, Brad, Tyler, and Peter talk about a lot of perks of being in the financial world. They also discuss Tyler and Peter’s very intimate event coming up in May! Don’t sleep on this amazing information.
Some Tips from Tyler and Peter You Will Learn by Listening:
- How to sell insurance
- How to become a millionaire working with them
- How accountability to measure is important
- How to be responsible
- How to give people information quickly
Learn more about Peter and Tyler:

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Tyler Rees:
Tyler is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country. His ability to help infuse and scale businesses makes him and his team one of the most sought-after consulting groups in the United States. Tyler has been a mentor and teacher to thousands of professionals across the country!
Tyler’s proudest accomplishment is Innovative Financial Partners, which is a National Marketing Organization that specializes in the distribution of insurance products. Tyler helped start the company in 2014 and in 2020 IFP was responsible for writing over $250 million in annualized premium. Tyler’s passion is helping business owners develop, restructure, and scale while focusing on creating an environment founded on integrity and transparency. Tyler is known for his customizable, creative approach that drives massive growth while focusing on efficiency, technology, and infrastructure.
Peter Fournier:
Starting as an intern in college, Peter was entrenched in the industry at an early age. After a few years as a captive agent, Peter branched off to an IMO and went through some trial by fire when it came to building and managing a team. Mistakenly focusing heavily on recruiting early on and trusting in a self-serving up-line, Peter had to dig himself out of a spot that so many agents find themselves in early on in their career. After making careful adjustments and reevaluating his business plan, he grew himself into a top personal producer and a well-rounded manager and trainer, aiding his agents in achieving career milestones, both personally and financially.
Today, Peter manages a team of agents, personally produces in the field, but most importantly, trains and coaches agents outside of his organization on how to become successful in the industry and avoid the mistakes that he had made in the past.