Rick Jordan. America’s Liberty on Lockdown.
Episode #293: Dropping Bombs with The Real Brad Lea (TRBL)

I’m just a guy asking questions.
Brad sat down with Rick to talk about cyber security, human trafficking and how our country has changed in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic examined in his latest documentary film, Liberty Lockdown.
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Rick Jordan. America’s Liberty on Lockdown.

Follow Rick Jordan:
Rick Jordan is CEO & Founder of ReachOut Technology, and has become a nationally recognized voice on Cybersecurity, Business, and Ethics.
Rick is a serial entrepreneur, ordained pastor and musician. He is a distinguished expert in leadership, security, technology, and business for over 20 years.
As a thought leader, he has spoken as NASDAQ and Harvard, along with frequent television appearances on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX.
His latest endeavor is the new film, Liberty Lockdown. A documentary examining the current state of affairs in America brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Driving the nation’s economy to a standstill and threatening our civil liberties.
Brad sat down with Rick to talk about cyber security, human trafficking and how our country has changed in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic examined in his latest documentary film, Liberty Lockdown.
Learn more at: rickjordan.tv and libertylockdown.com